Your prays and compassion are appreciated beyond words.

From Chris Perry: To all of you, I would like to personally thank you all for the friendships, the research, the tears, the hugs and the love… THANK YOU!!! I would also as that you not give up, push the envelope, test the boundaries and continue towards the cure. It will come!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Niki's treatment is on hold. She is a bit stronger and taking some physical therapy I believe. The Perry's have been able to acquire two wheel chairs, one for the van and one for their 2nd floor apartment.Niki is spending time listening to music, benefiting greatly from family and all of the love and well wishes pouring forth on her facebook page and via other avenues. Their needs are essentially unchanged, but progress has been made on many fronts.

  • They need the chair/stair/ lift so that she can get into and out of the apartment. This may be provided by an agency for no charge, but we still don't have a final word on this. She can't go anywhere until this need is resolved.
  • Should she return to treatment, she will be able to resume the transport that she arranged prior to the grand mal seizure that hospitalized her. However, she will have to have the stair/chair/lift so that she can get out of her apartment to the transport and back up to her apartment after the treatment.
  • She will still require a way to get about in general, aside from treatment transports. For that, they are preparing the van with a wheelchair and lift. The wheel chair is being fitted for her specific needs and the lift is still to be obtained. For obvious reasons, her mobility is critical and is their highest priority. As it stands, she is still trapped in the apartment.
  • She needs a bath seat. If anyone has ever needed this item, you KNOW what a godsend it is.
  • Niki needs a caregiver so that Chris can return to work. Chris is pursuing ways to meet this need, but there is no certain progress yet. Until there is some routine way for Chris to earn money, the bills continue to stack up.